VIP~ Mon"Star" of the Week

VIP MonStar!

We will be highlighting one Special Mon"Star" each week throughout the school year.  I would like to invite parents at 12:00-12:15 on the day of their choice during that week to come and share some things about their child so that we can get to know them better and so they feel special.  Parents can also read one of their child's favorite stories to the class. Parents are also invited to come early and eat lunch with their child if they would
like to on that day.
Lunch is at 11:20-11:55 and you would need to pick up a lunch ticket previously at the office.   

The rest of the week the child will be spotlighted.
You can create a fun poster with all their hobbies and favorite things to go with their picture.  I will supply a small poster for you to use. I would like this poster brought to school on the first day of their VIP week, usually the Monday.

Thank you for your help with this!  It will be fun and I am excited to spotlight each student and make them feel special.